Seeking to Walk alongside our
neighbors in the love of christ

Our mission is to help people know Jesus Christ, grow in faith
and serve Galveston and the world through love.


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our services

Informal Worship

Sundays at 8:30 am

Traditional Worship

Sundays at 11:00 am

The Bridge
(Modern Worship)

Sundays at 11:00 am

Spanish Worship

Sundays at 11:00 am

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Informal Worship

sundays 8:30 am
What is informal worship

Informal Worship draws on the experience of the American church as it spread during the 1800s. Sometimes called "camp meeting" style, there is little ritual and no high church liturgy. Every Sunday at 8:30 am in the Sanctuary, we gather for worship that is natural and laid back. We lift our voices in praise as we sing the old-time favorite hymns of the church. There is a time for the congregation to select hymns during an old-fashioned hymn-sing. Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday in an informal style. We all join hands at the end of the service as we go out to serve God and our community.

Traditional Worship

sundays 11:00 am
What is Traditional worship

Traditional Worship draws on rituals and traditions that date back to the very beginning of the Christian Church 2,000 years ago. Every Sunday at 11:00 am we gather in the Sanctuary for worship that is steeped in the liturgy and rites of the ancient church. We lift our voices in praise as we sing the traditional hymns of the church. Music is offered in a classical sacred style by the Chancel Choir, handbell groups, vocal and instrumental ensembles, and the Children's Choir and is accompanied by piano and organ. Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month.

The Bridge (Modern) Worship

sundays 11:00 am
What is The Bridge?

The Bridge Modern Worship gathers every Sunday morning at 11:00 am for worship. Our worship space is inside of Moody Methodist Church, in the Christian Life Center (look for the Gym). Our service is an hour long and includes a blend of modern music, a thoughtful sermon, and Holy Communion each week.

Spanish Worship

sundays 11:00 am
What is Spanish worship

The Hispanic Ministry of Moody Methodist Church, with the purpose to proclaim the God of our life for the Hispanic community of Galveston, meets every Sunday at 11:00 am to share the Word of God in Spanish with celebration of the sacraments, biblical readings, songs of praise, intercessory prayer, and thanksgiving.